Thought of the day... “Weather is a great metaphor for life - sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad, and there's nothing much you can do about it but carry an umbrella.” -Terri Guillemets
Mother Nature is at it again... Look at a what 16 minutes difference meant this morning...
Check out this rapid temperature drop...
These are SOOC* (except for cropping to get them to be close to same frame)...
8:41 AM - the streaks is sleet/mini-hail and rain
Today’s quote is right ... there's nothing much you can do about it but carry an umbrella -- and keep winter clothes on hand
*SOOC = Straight Out of Camera
I'm not sure an umbrella would hold up to hail though.... just a thought :). but I love the quote, unfortunately I should tell myself that ALL the time!
Temp got up to about 55 and then plummeted again with rain and dark icky skies. Today's weather stinks... good thing I'm indoors. :)
Other than Tuesday this is the first day in a week it hasn't rained at some point.
Which is good b/c I'm taking some photos for a friend of mine who is getting married. Long story but her photographer quit 3 weeks before the wedding and so she refuses to use any of the engagement photos so she asked if I'd do some for her. Yey :)
Good that it's drying out back there. (I saw your post - nice there's sun in there).
Yeah now I can steal my mom & dad's mower and finish mowing our yard. Ours broke Tuesday night :(
Wow, bummer on the broken one. Maybe you'll get a new one as a housewarming present.
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