Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day 2010

Thought of the Day... The story of America's quest for freedom is inscribed on her history in the blood of her patriots. ~Randy Vader

I personally want to thank all those who have given the ultimate sacrifice in support of our freedom. Without you would not have the freedoms we have today.


We took these photos when we lived in Washington, D.C. in the late-1980s. The one above is of the The Three Servicemen Statue is part of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. Those below are from The Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery.



Anonymous said...

OMG that's an awesome experience! I went there in high school with FFA and loved every minute of it, even standing in 110 degree weather in June wearing blue cordoroy (yeah i can't spell sorry, I'm tired)Jackets and black skirts/pants

Stef at Too Much To Do So Little said...

When we were at the Tomb of the Unknowns I was mesmerized by the guard.

At the Vietnam memorial it was so quiet. My dad was in Vietnam in 1960 and one of his friends was one of the first killed there. I wish I'd had his name and I would have done a "rubbing" of his name for my dad.

Anonymous said...

Yeah we went by the Vietnam memorial at night. That I think even adds to the quietness of it! Seriously Washington DC is an excellent place (other than the idiots up there)

Stef at Too Much To Do So Little said...

I loved the things we could do, but I got mugged outside our apartment and that was the straw that broke the camel's back... moved to Michigan in less than three months.

Anonymous said...

My mom moved here from Michigan. I so want to go visit sometime!

Stef at Too Much To Do So Little said...

We lived in southwest MI, north of South Bend, IN. You should go to the Upper Peninsula and see Mackinaw Island! It's where the movie "Somewhere in Time" (with Christopher Reeve) was filmed.

Anonymous said...

I'm not really all that up-to-date with my Michigan geography but my grandparents were actually married in South Bend Indiana on 9/4 (the date we chose) which was Labor Day weekend that year too :) If you know where Jackson is... that's where my mom lived/was born-ish :)

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