Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day 2010

Thought of the Day... The story of America's quest for freedom is inscribed on her history in the blood of her patriots. ~Randy Vader

I personally want to thank all those who have given the ultimate sacrifice in support of our freedom. Without you would not have the freedoms we have today.


We took these photos when we lived in Washington, D.C. in the late-1980s. The one above is of the The Three Servicemen Statue is part of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. Those below are from The Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery.


Saturday, May 29, 2010

Round Three and Friends

Thought of the Day... A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be. ~Douglas Pagels

Well... the round three game was tonight. Before the game we had a special treat... SillyOne’s brother sang the National Anthem... it brought tears to my eyes... I love hearing our National Anthem...


Unfortunately, the game didn’t go as desired... we lost. The opponents had some amazing hitters. Hubby said that three or four of their players already had NCAA Division 1 scholarships... eight of the nine players on the field were seniors. One girl’s dad is a professional baseball team’s pitching coach! She could HIT the ball! WOW! Our team is young... half of our team are freshman and sophomores... our girls played with HEART! They made me so proud!

You want to know the best thing about tonight... the crowd that our girls had cheering them on... the most I have ever seen at a game (this year and past). In that crowd were five special people... The Offspring’s good friends...

Four of them from school this year...


... and one she hadn’t seen in a year... a former teammate (from last year) who graduated and moved out of state... It was so great to see her!!!


Then there is SillyOne... she knew it was the last time (for this year) that she would be featured in one of my posts... See her behind The Offspring in the above picture...

...she came out of nowhere... not really, I knew she was back there but didn’t expect this... (I should have known better!)


SillyOne, you’re nuts!

The absolute best thing about tonight... The Offspring said, “You know... today was a really good day.”

So, what’s next? More softball! That’s right...

...The Offspring’s travel softball team was playing in their first tournament of the season... they won both games! We join them in our state capital tomorrow and Monday. There’s no rest for the weary....


Thought of the Day... Everytime you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing. ~Mother Teresa

Well... not Round 3 playoff updates yet... rain delay again. The game is this afternoon.

Instead I just want to say... I love this beautiful smile...


... and the young lady who is wearing it...

Good luck today, Sweetheart!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Happy Anniversary to Two Happy Couples

Thought of the Day... An anniversary is a time to celebrate the joys of today, the memories of yesterday, and the hopes of tomorrow. ~Author Unknown

Today is a day of anniversary celebrations in my family...

First is my mom and step-dad’s 33rd wedding anniversary. Want to know what I remember most? There were only seven people there (I think) and ... I caught her bouquet!

This isn’t their wedding and I have no idea where it came from, but it’s one of the few I have of them together --- why the heck is that so? (partly because they live in the Midwest and I live in the Pacific Northwest).


Secondly, today is my brother and sister-in-law’s 10th wedding anniversary.


Want to know what I remember most about their wedding? Have you ever been to a Hindu wedding?... They’re beautiful, colorful... F-U-N... festive... but long! Three days long... there were different festivities each day with the culmination of the wedding ceremony and reception on the last day.

Here’s a picture of The Offspring taking photos - we bought her film and let her entertain herself. The official photographer let her get up on stage so she could get “the best angle”. The next photo is the photo The Offspring’s was taking.


When we got the invitations, my future sister-in-law wrote a full 8.5x11 page of explanation... including an “Insiders’ Cheat Sheet of Events”. The funnies part is what she wrote for the “Wedding ceremony” section:

The wedding ceremony will last about three hours, and will be less interactice than other weddings ceremonies you may be used to. In fact, feel free to mill about restlessly, fan yourself with the program and come and go as you please.”

She also told me that she often goes to the car to take a nap during ceremonies she’d gone too in the past, but this time she can’t. What a crack up!

Happy Anniversary to both couples!!!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Celebrating 100 years

Thought of the day... Grandmas hold our tiny hands for just a little while, but our hearts forever. Author Unknown

100 years ago today my beloved Grandma was born.


Although we lost her physical presence in 2003... she is still with us....

I often think of her and can still smell Thanksgiving Dinner... ohhhh... she made the BEST bread pudding!

Grandma, you blessed me with your wisdom and care and compassion... You will forever be in my heart!

I LOVE YOU, Grandma!

Round Two

Thought of the Day... “The key is not the "will to win" - everybody has that. It is the will to prepare to win that is important.” -Bobby Knight

The Offspring’s team played in their State Playoffs Round Two game last night... it was an an exciting evening! Now, keep in mind that I’m a VERY proud mom... so bear with me on some of this... I’m giddy with excitement... (I also took over 130 photos... weeding through them took a long time and I couldn’t resist these... it’s worth the read and look.)

This is the first year in three years our school has made it to the playoffs. As you recall, the Round One game had several rain cancelations and delays. We won that game 1-0! (The Offspring’s got a double and eventually her “hit” turned into our one and only point.)

Well, Round Two game was last night after being delayed a day [again] due to rain on Tuesday. We had to drive of a different school’s field on the other side of town because the home team’s field was a mess from the rain. We played on AstroTurf- type field again last night.

It was a tight 0-0 game for three innings ...

....then in the top of the fourth... the first two batters got on base and then...The Offspring came up to bat third...


... and she reached second to allow our lead runner to score!


The half inning ended and as the girls came in, being a proud mom grabbed my camera...


Needless-to-say, The Offspring wanted me to stop taking her picture. :)Mom%2Cstoptakingmyphoto-5-2010-05-27-07-05.jpgMom%2Cstoptakingmyphoto-6-2010-05-27-07-05.jpg

The fourth inning ended with the score 1-0 us.

In the top of fifth, the same two batters got on base as in the fourth inning. The Offspring was up again... ohhhhh my nerves were ... on edge...


WOW! Hard hit single to allow our lead runner to score again! YIPPEEEE!! (by the way... I HATE sitting at an angle to the field with my DSLR)


Again... the proud Mami I am couldn’t resist taking her photo [again] (Mami is relatively new... oh I remember when I used to be Mommy... ohhhhh that was soooo long ago....)

Anyway... sorry I digress... The Offspring should know that hiding behind something doesn’t stop me from taking her picture!


Ahhh... she remembered...


What a happy girl!


I wasn’t the only proud mom... SillyOne’s mom (left) and another mom were “cheering” making this deep sound with their claps...


Girls in the dugout were really happy, too!


Then... it happened... the last out ... everyone was excited! We’re now headed for the Quarter Finals... someone at the school told me that this is only the SECOND time in school history for the softball team to make it to the Quarter Finals!!!!

By the way... the last out was caught by none other than... SillyOne! (again... dang fence!)


After the end-of-game congratulatory “High Fives” instead of getting ready for their team picture... there was this... (bare with the multiple photos... you’ll see why)


Hey you guys... stop! You’re getting too close!


I think SillyOne planned this stampeed... (they nearly knocked me over!)


Finally got them all together in a more civilized manner...


Final score... 2-0... yep... that’s right... The Offspring earned two RBI for those two points! :)


Then... proud Daddy agreed to get his picture... little did he know it was headed for my blog! (he hates his photo taken!)


Next stop... Quarter Finals at our home field Friday!

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