Friday, May 28, 2010

Happy Anniversary to Two Happy Couples

Thought of the Day... An anniversary is a time to celebrate the joys of today, the memories of yesterday, and the hopes of tomorrow. ~Author Unknown

Today is a day of anniversary celebrations in my family...

First is my mom and step-dad’s 33rd wedding anniversary. Want to know what I remember most? There were only seven people there (I think) and ... I caught her bouquet!

This isn’t their wedding and I have no idea where it came from, but it’s one of the few I have of them together --- why the heck is that so? (partly because they live in the Midwest and I live in the Pacific Northwest).


Secondly, today is my brother and sister-in-law’s 10th wedding anniversary.


Want to know what I remember most about their wedding? Have you ever been to a Hindu wedding?... They’re beautiful, colorful... F-U-N... festive... but long! Three days long... there were different festivities each day with the culmination of the wedding ceremony and reception on the last day.

Here’s a picture of The Offspring taking photos - we bought her film and let her entertain herself. The official photographer let her get up on stage so she could get “the best angle”. The next photo is the photo The Offspring’s was taking.


When we got the invitations, my future sister-in-law wrote a full 8.5x11 page of explanation... including an “Insiders’ Cheat Sheet of Events”. The funnies part is what she wrote for the “Wedding ceremony” section:

The wedding ceremony will last about three hours, and will be less interactice than other weddings ceremonies you may be used to. In fact, feel free to mill about restlessly, fan yourself with the program and come and go as you please.”

She also told me that she often goes to the car to take a nap during ceremonies she’d gone too in the past, but this time she can’t. What a crack up!

Happy Anniversary to both couples!!!


Anonymous said...

How exciting! The Hindu wedding looks very interesting! Do they live here or there??

Stef at Too Much To Do So Little said...

We had a blast! The first night we had a big festive night where the bride's family waited on us (as the groom's family) and the ladies (including The Offspring) got henna tattoos.

The wedding was in Ohio which is where my sister-in-law grew up. They live on the east coast. now. (Yep my family is spread all over the USA! It's a bummer because we don't get to see each other much.)

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