Friday, July 23, 2010

Basil Bouquet

Thought of the Day...Ah me! love can not be cured by herbs. ~Ovid

I have said it many times... I love basil...

...I love it with garlic...


...especially in my pesto...

IMG_1298-2010-07-23-21-26.JPG’ve seen it in a jar...

IMG_1254-2010-07-23-21-26.jpg’ve seen it on my counter...

IMG_1518-2010-07-23-21-26.jpg’ve seen it on my window sill...

Day1-ShinySinksignPosted-2010-07-23-21-26.jpg’ve seen two varieties in my garden...


...NOW I have a basil bouquet! Look how big it is!! The ruler is 12 inches.


Hmmmmm.... it smells sooooo goooooood! Trader Joe’s had it on sale for $1.99 for a 6-inch pot. I couldn’t resist! I bought FOUR!

Do you have a favorite herb?


mom said...

Thyme & basil. Most everything is better with thyme... or is that time?

Anonymous said...

I so need to learn how to work with real herbs that I grow myself instead of those out of a jar :)

Stef at Too Much To Do So Little said...

Start with the easy ones:

Buy a plant now when it's in season. f you want, keep it in the window inside or at least clippings that way you can have fresh in the winter.

Perennial, not sure if they would be in SW MO.

Perennial; I bought thyme plant in 1992 - yep it's 18 years old. A couple summers I forgot to water it and it survived. It looked dead, but I started watering it again and it came back. It has really pretty flowers (clip so not to flower). Again, not sure how that would go in SW MO.

Let me know how it goes. :)

Anonymous said...

we bought some earlier this spring. I can't even remember what we bought... Basil, cilantro and something... we almost killed the cilantro. haha... woops. I never claimed to have a green thumb!

Sarah said...

LOVE Basil, Parsley, Arugula, Chives...I could go on and on :)

Stef at Too Much To Do So Little said...

Hi Sarah, thanks for stopping by. I recently received Arugula as part of our CSA (see CSA posts). I'd never had it before. That's one thing that is good about the CSA, we get to try new things.

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