Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Bountiful Delivery, CSA week 1

Thought of the Day...Weather means more when you have a garden. There's nothing like listening to a shower and thinking how it is soaking in around your green beans. ~Marcelene Cox

If you recall from my Summer is just around the corner post our family bought into a local Community Supported Agriculture. We received our fist delivery today; which is good because my garden isn’t nearly ready.

Each week we receive a reusable bag with freshly picked produce. We return the bag and get more produce.

Our first week’s delivery included: red leaf lettuce, cabbage, beets, strawberries, rhubarb, pinto beans, popcorn, and a calendula plant (an edible plant; the leaves are good in salads). [6/16 Update: The left picture was taken at night and as you can see the calendula plant is closed down. The picture on the right was taken today during the day. It opened up and smiled at the hiding sun...]


Receiving this first delivery is sure signs that summer is almost here!

My poor garden took a beating today.... cold temps (20 degree drop), hard rain, sleet/small hail (you can see it on the dark ground cover), and wind. The streaks in the photo is the rain/sleet/hail.


Mother Nature, you were supposed to be sunny for 10 days... what happened?


Anonymous said...

Did you hear OKC is flooding? They were in a drought last summer and now they are floating away! We are sunny here today. I'd send some sunshine if I could.

Stef at Too Much To Do So Little Time.com said...

I heard. We had flooding over the last few days, too. Not awful, but because we're between mountain ranges and our temps jumped from 50s to 80s in one day the mountain snow started melting too fast and rivers started rising. Then the rains started up again - UGH!

Mom said MO has been hot. Even with the rain we don't get the midwest humidity (except a "smidgy" in late summer). BTW, I do NOT miss the humidity! I miss having four seasons. Here we have rain, more rain, sun and rain. Rains 9 months out of the year... except this year... it's more.

Anonymous said...

My hair hates the humidity! It cooperates so well in the wintertime... summertime... that's a whole nother ball field! hehe :) I threw that in there just for you :)

Stef at Too Much To Do So Little Time.com said...

LOL! Great pun!

Mine, too! We have so much humidity in the winter if I don't straighten my hair it's a fuzz-ball!

Anonymous said...

If I straighten mine in the summer it's a frizz ball!! But it's only half curly so I curl it with a curling iron. I have funky hair!

oh and we are going to Chicago for our Honeymoon. I didn't want to put that on my blog just incase his ex-wife sees. She tries to make our life hell. I don't think she's found me yet but his cousin is best friends with his ex-wife and just trying to cover my basis.

Stef at Too Much To Do So Little Time.com said...

Sorry to hear the Ex is causing you guys trouble. Nothing like have family still best friends with the Ex. Geez!

Stef at Too Much To Do So Little Time.com said...

One good thing about the rain... I don't have to water the garden! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey rain water is better for plants than garden hose water anyway :)

Stef at Too Much To Do So Little Time.com said...

I have a good friend at work that bought barrels so he can collect rainwater and use it for watering his garden. I'd like to do that, need to look into it, but right now it's more than I can deal with. ;)

Anonymous said...

Ok now that's just awesome! I wouldn't think to do that! hmmmm.... now you have my mind going :)

oh and didn't mean to tell you about our honeymoon here, and I know the ex will eventually find out... but keeping it from her as long as possible b/c she thinks any money he has needs to go to her... anyway I won't get into that but I just wanted to apologize.

Stef at Too Much To Do So Little Time.com said...

Nicole, I know about getting your mind going... I hadn't thought of it until Chris mentioned he is doing it. Also, no reason to apologize. it's perfectly OK... venting is good for the soul (or at least blood pressure).

Chris said...

Becareful how you use the water, particularly on your food crops. After doing more research I discovered that composite single (asphalt) roofs may potentially allow the water to become contaminated with hydrocarbons, so much so that watering edibles may result in toxic veggies.. I hope its obvious to others you should never drink water collected from your roof, the veggie issue was not clear to me until I was in the construction planning phase.. here's a link to get started..


or google:

rain water harvesting vegetables hydrocarbons

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