Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Baby Steps, Day 3 continued

Thought of the Day...Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. ~Albert Einstein

HALLELUJAH! I FINALLY figured out how to get my FlyLady BigTent password reset!!! It was NOT easy!

If you recall from my Baby Steps Day 3 post, I couldn’t login to FlyLady’s site. Well, I am a very technical person (I work in my company’s information technology [IT] department). So, I normally can figure things out. It has taken me DAYS to figure this out! There was NO link on the site to reset my password.

So, for all those out there who need to reset your FlyLady password... go here. Maybe it was clear to others or I’m really tired (I’m still sitting at work -- been here 11 hours -- needed a break)... but I couldn’t find a link so I thought Why not go to the hosting site’s web site to do the reset.

Now... I can take some time tomorrow to finish my Day 3 (boy Day 3 is sure taking me a long time to get through it!)

Since my last post was about The Offspring’s wounded knee and the picture of said knee was so painful to look at...’s a window sticker I saw when I was last at the library... Can you read it?

IMG_0501-2010-06-23-00-15.jpg reads “Starfleet Academy - San Francisco MMCLXI” ... Needless-to-say, as a Star Trek fan... I loved it....I bet Hubby won’t want one on my car... :(


Anonymous said...

Hey I somewhat joined in... since our house isn't "finished" it's difficult to do it all but my kitchen sink shines! I cleaned it tonight while at the house!

Stef at Too Much To Do So Little said...

Nicole, how's your sink?

Anonymous said...

well it was full of dirty dishes last night :(... I washed them though! I think it has a few dirt spots but I was tired. I might have gotten them though.. but no dirty dishes in it :)

Stef at Too Much To Do So Little said...

That's cool! It feels so nice to not have a stack of dirty dishes sitting in the sink.

Anonymous said...

Ours were there from the weekend and we haven't been to the house much this week... trying to recoup plus I've been fighting something. but I've been washing what the dishwasher would wash as I've been there :)

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